Strategic Plan 2017
Boardwalk & Grenoble Place
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Executive Summary
The Village Improvement Association (VIA) is a non-profit women’s organization that was created in 1909 to improve and increase the intellectual culture, educational advancement and moral development of its members; to further and promote the interests, improvements and progress of Rehoboth Beach, DE; to do and perform whatever charitable and civic work at Rehoboth Beach, DE and elsewhere as may from time to time be decided upon by its members.
These objectives are met by its members who volunteer countless hours of their time, talent, and financial resources in a variety of projects and fundraisers that benefit the Cape Henlopen region.
The VIA joined the Delaware State Federation of Women Clubs (DSFWC) in 1912, and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) in 1923. Throughout its history, the VIA has grown in membership, and has been recognized by the National and State organizations, as well as the local community for its service and philanthropy. In its long history, the women of the VIA have successfully met the challenges presented to them by society and the environment. Today, the VIA membership reflects the diversity of educational, cultural, and societal changes.
To meet the challenges of the 21st century a Strategic Plan has been written as a blueprint for the VIA’s future in the next decade. Strategies include: to improve the VIA’s membership; to develop and maintain sufficient financial resources; to maintain and preserve VIA’s physical campus and documents; to improve its the management and governance structure; and to increase marketing opportunities for the VIA.
It is the hope of the authors that this 2017 Strategic Plan will guide future leaders and members of the VIA.
Mission Statement
The Village Improvement Association, founded in 1909, is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the Cape Henlopen community through volunteer service and financial support.
Vision Statement
It is the vision of the Village Improvement Association to shape the future by providing caring volunteers and funding, as well as insuring positive impact for people and organizations in need.
To serve people, organizations and communities in need through volunteerism, fundraising, creating public awareness, charitable donations, education, cultural advancements, civic work, recognition of excellence within the community, scholarship, assisting in development and implementation of community projects, financial support for partner organizations and other assistance as may from time to time be decided upon by the VIA membership
The Objectives of the Village Improvement Association are to serve the communities, people and organizations within the Cape Henlopen area through:
Assisting in Development and Implementation of Community Projects
Charitable Donations
Civic Work
Cultural Advancements
Financial Support for Partner Organizations
Public Awareness
Recognition of Excellence within the Community
Other Assistance as may from time to time be decided upon by the VIA Membership
A. Increase Village Improvement Association Membership
I. Enhance VIA loyalty, purpose, and pride
1. Strengthen and clarify VIA’s purpose of community improvement
2. Secure the opportunity to communicate with all individual members through Newsletter, Meetings, Website, and Audio Visual Aids
3. Provide opportunities to expand awareness of and acknowledgment for VIA’s accomplishments and contributions
4. Celebrate and honor VIA’s history and contributions to community with member events
II. Expand existing general, courtesy and honorary memberships
1. Reinforce concept that membership is everyone’s responsibility
2. Identify opportunities of additional membership categories such as Social, Supporting, or Provisional with associated criteria
3. Reassess sponsorship need or enhance responsibilities to include mentoring before full initiation of membership
B. Develop and Maintain Sufficient Financial Resources
I. Evaluate VIA’s revenue and expenditures
1. Assess current dues
2. Assess current expenditures
3. Analyze revenue versus expenditures to make recommendations for change
4. Assess efficacy of current financial software
5. Assess professional accounting services
6. Assess current banking institutional services
II. Increase non-dues based revenue with grants, donations and fundraising
1. Assess non-dues based revenue
2. Expand fundraising to increase revenue from non-members
3. Review and assess investment portfolio
C. Maintain and Preserve VIA Physical Campus and Documents
I. Evaluate and assess needs of secure storage space and expansion of space.
1. Assess value and need of piano on premises
2. Create an archival data base with an inventory of VIA’s long history so that documents and artifacts can be safely preserved
3. Investigate potential collaboration with Rehoboth Beach Museum and Lewes Historical Society
4. Research opportunities for additional funding
II. Create a plan that will identify facility needs and establish the means of funding renovations or improvements
1. Make improvements to the permanent signage of clubhouse
2. Create standard procedures for maintenance
3. Develop a Preventive Maintenance Plan
D. Management and Governance
I. Maintain an efficient and well-trained Board of Directors
1. Provide ongoing education and information ensure fulfillment of Board responsibilities
2. Consistently review and structure Board Meetings to best conduct VIA business
3. Evaluate the Board of Directors structure prior to each administration and modify if necessary
4. Review and revise Bylaws, if necessary, bi-annually
II. Develop a continuing process of developing leaders in the VIA
1. Attend and off Leadership Development workshops and education to Board, Officers, and Chairmen
2. Create opportunities for an active involvement with and for members
E. Increase Marketing Opportunities for VIA
I. Increase awareness and importance of VIA to membership and community.
1. Recognize and market achievements of VIA through Newsletter, local press, businesses, civic associations, and VIA website
2. Continue to develop promotional materials, such as rack cards, brochures, etc. about VIA
3. Enhance the Publicity Committee so that VIA efforts are marketed to the community
II. Expand Community Outreach
1. Implement projects and events based on respective community need
2. Quality over quantity; Recognize impact and creativity
F. Authors
The Village Improvement Association members authoring this Strategic Plan 2017 are:
President Rose Marie Patin
Recording Secretary Kate McKenzie
Development Committee Chair Barbara Beatty
Development Committee Member Kay Burkhart